De Amore

2004 The Montpellier Manuscript
Ensemble Ligeriana

The Montpellier Manuscript is the richest single source of thirteenth century French motets, a musical treasure revealing an extraordinary assortment of styles and literary genres.

“Ligeriana must be congratulated for having filled a gap in the discography of medieval repertoire. In addition to the immense previously unpublished material contained in this recording, the programme includes everything that makes this manuscript so fascinating. The pleasure of the interpretation is enhanced by Ligeriana’s choice to preserve the original brevity and freshness of the motet. The interpretation of Ligeriana is all the more praiseworthy as it seems to have adopted as a driving principle the concern never to alter the native terseness of the motet, which is rendered without a trace of artifice.”

Marc Desmet, Le Monde de la musique, avril 2006

Recording done at the Fontevraud Royal Abbey

Fanny Muller - designer | Estelle Courdoisy - webdev | Morgane Kirmann - design | Maël Lenoir - videos | Sue Burgess & Alex Gangl - Translations